Update 2025-01-28 Seminar: Complementing Forest finance for carbon credits with biodiversity insurance and resilience value
Update 2024-11-11 Research webinar: “Pro-Social vs. Pro-Self: Encouraging Uptake of Green Home Loans for Green Retrofitting”
Update 2024-11-04 SFL Partner Meeting focusing on consumer credit, investment behavior, and new legislation tackling overindebtedness
Update 2024-10-18 SFL-affiliated researchers amongst the top 2% scientists on Stanford University’s list of the World’s Top scientists
Update 2024-08-26 New study compares the allocation of investments in green investment funds vs. conventional funds
Update 2024-08-07 Invitation: EU-Taxonomy event for companies and investors in district heating and cooling
Update 2024-04-05 New research article challenges current sustainability reporting and its frameworks
Update 2024-03-15 New paper: Does financial inclusion improve energy accessibility in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Update 2023-12-19 New working paper on biodiversity and finance: Investment Treaties and the Replacement of Stranded Investment
Update 2023-11-20 Seminarium om hållbarhetsregelverk i finanssektorn och dess påverkan på fastighetssektorn
Update 2023-11-02 Seminar: Navigating the Green Maze: How the Multifaceted Impact of Literacy Shapes Consumers’ Understanding of Sustainable Mutual Funds
Update 2023-10-20 Research seminar: An ESG Scorecard for Sustainable Temporary Adaptive Reuse (STAR) in Commercial Stock
Update 2023-08-25 New policy brief on the financial challenge to bring BECCS credits to voluntary carbon markets
Update 2023-04-27 Conference: “Climate change and the financial system: Challenges and opportunities for central banks” on May 2-3
Update 2023-04-17 New SFL report recommends that a Swedish sustainable finance platform be established
Update 2023-02-27 Forthcoming research paper: “Essential Environmental Impact Variables for improved corporate sustainability reporting”
Update 2022-11-08 Call for papers – SFL and Sveriges Riksbank will host a conference on climate change and the financial system in May 2023
Update 2022-10-19 Forbes article: “Investors Could Be Missing Out On Women-Led Startups. Here’s How They Can Fix That”
Update 2022-10-13 Serious lack of diversity of background exposed when examining board compositions revealed by two major Swedish newspapers
Update 2022-10-12 SFL starts four-year research project to examine the Swedish consumer credit market in collaboration with Klarna
Update 2022-09-30 New report – Carbon dioxide leakage or competitive advantage? The necessary balancing act between industrial and climate policy
Update 2022-09-26 Research: Urban Advantage? Sustainable Consumption and Ontological Cityism Across the Urban Hierarchy
Update 2022-09-07 Watch Professor Joakim Sandberg take part in Insurance Sweden’s seminar on sustainable investing practices
Update 2022-09-07 SFL’s Lin Lerpold and Malin Malmström together with almost 2000 researchers criticize campaigning Swedish politicians’ lack of climate focus
Update 2022-09-02 Project kick-off: IVL, HFT and Eurac research will in collaboration with SFL examine the impact of the EU Taxonomy on District Heating Systems
Update 2022-08-24 Dr Mark Sanctuary participates in a SNS seminar September 27 on the matter of the balancing act between industry and climate policy
Update 2022-06-13 SFL report launch: Swedish Climate Policy Council’s seminar on the role of the financial sector in contributing towards the climate transition
Update 2022-05-20 SFL’s Associate Professor Lin Lerpold and Professor Ranjula Bali Swain take part in the World Academic Forum: Stockholm Summit 2022
Update 2022-05-19 Sustainable Finance Lab’s Director Malin Malmström speaks on gender bias in financing entrepreneurship and innovation at the Swedish Riksdag
Update 2022-05-19 Sustainable Finance Lab’s Beatrice Crona participated in SIS’ 100 year jubilee celebration
Update 2022-04-28 Research: Examining how gender distribution in the board composition of Swedish companies affects business performance over time
Update 2022-04-28 Research: Reviewing the literature on urban sustainability and highlighting the complexities and trade-offs between and within the three Es – ecology, economy and equality
Update 2022-04-19 Seminar on the growing role of the financial sector in achieveing climate change mitigation and adaptation
Update 2022-04-14 The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has announced the 4th edition of its Summer School on Sustainable Finance
Update 2022-04-12 Research: Investigating the innovation capabilities, absorptive capacity and innovation ecosystems of the real estate sector
Update 2022-04-06 Research: Analyzing the motivations behind sustainable investment to transition the financial market effectively towards sustainability
Update 2022-04-06 Research: Method development conducted on the security of supply and circularity of transport biofuels
Update 2022-04-04 New funding to Sustainable Finance Lab partners will boost efforts towards a greener economy
Update 2022-02-10 “We cannot keep using our old toolbox, we need to develop a new one for the future”
Update 2021-12-21 Sustainable Finance Lab’s Beatrice Crona Presented at Swesif Seminars on Biodiversity and Finance
Update 2021-12-09 Doctorial Thesis Presentation: Accessibility to Bank Branches and Entrepreneurial Dynamics
Update 2021-11-30 Malin Malmström Participates in Gender Equality Education for Municipalities and Regions
Update 2021-11-29 The Construction Industry is Changing – KTH Transformation Day 2021 on construction business
Update 2021-09-24 Conference – How Can Climate and Sustainability Challenges be Handled in a Commercially Successful Manner?
Update 2021-09-17 Webinar September 27th: The Real Estate Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals
Update 2021-09-09 Debunking Myths About Investments and Women-led Businesses and How to Fight Gender Bias
Update 2021-08-18 How can asset managers aid in the transformation towards a sustainable financial market?
Update 2021-04-20 Vinnova funds the Sustainable Finance Lab – collaboration to transform financial markets