
Joakim Sandberg

“Stoppa miljardflödet till bankerna”

Beatrice Crona.

Seminar: Doing Business within Planetary Boundaries

Newsletter pic

The SFL newsletter is out!

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town, South Africa.

New article: The ethical foundations of biodiversity metrics


Save-the-date: SFL Partner Day 15 May 2025


Seminar: Complementing Forest finance for carbon credits with biodiversity insurance and resilience value


Warm welcome to our new SFL postdoc, Sarah Philipson Isaac!


Research webinar: “Pro-Social vs. Pro-Self: Encouraging Uptake of Green Home Loans for Green Retrofitting”


Post-Doc opportunity on the social dimensions of sustainability

Petter Alvsten, UC, Ann-Sofie Henrikson, Umeå University, and Annina H Persson, KTH.

SFL Partner Meeting focusing on consumer credit, investment behavior, and new legislation tackling overindebtedness

Skärmavbild 2023-04-20 kl. 16.44.58

SFL-affiliated researchers amongst the top 2% scientists on Stanford University’s list of the World’s Top scientists


Invitation: SFL Partner Meeting 24 October 9-12, 2024

Skärmavbild 2023-04-20 kl. 16.44.58

Artikelserie om CSRD-implementering för fastighet- och byggföretag

3D rendering of stock indexes in virtual space. Economic growth, recession. Electronic virtual platform showing trends and stock market fluctuations

New study compares the allocation of investments in green investment funds vs. conventional funds

EU Taxonomy_2

Invitation: EU-Taxonomy event for companies and investors in district heating and cooling

SFL Center Vice-Director Beatrice Crona and Caroline Flammers at Columbia University.

SFL Partner Day 2024 in retrospect

Emmy Wassenius

New research article challenges current sustainability reporting and its frameworks


Invitation: SFL Partner Day 17 May 2024


New paper: Does financial inclusion improve energy accessibility in Sub-Saharan Africa?


Efter nytt förbud mot greenwashing – så måste företagen göra nu

Joakim Fichtel at the Division of Real Estate and Financial Systems at KTH and discussant Christina Theodoraki, Associate professor TBS Education, France.

He studies network activity among entrepreneurial Life Science firms

Beautiful landscape of the amazon rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador. High quality photo

New working paper on biodiversity and finance: Investment Treaties and the Replacement of Stranded Investment

malin pressbild

SFL Centre director speaks in the Swedish Parliament


Seminarium om hållbarhetsregelverk i finanssektorn och dess påverkan på fastighetssektorn

Maze detail in a forest, game and fun

Seminar: Navigating the Green Maze: How the Multifaceted Impact of Literacy Shapes Consumers’ Understanding of Sustainable Mutual Funds

SDG logo

New book examines interlinkages related to the Sustainable Development Goals


Research seminar: An ESG Scorecard for Sustainable Temporary Adaptive Reuse (STAR) in Commercial Stock


Lunchseminarium: Är hållbara fastigheter framtidens fastigheter?

Skärmavbild 2023-04-20 kl. 16.44.58



SFL is looking for strategic partners to support upcoming research project


New policy brief on the financial challenge to bring BECCS credits to voluntary carbon markets

Joakim Sandberg

SFL’s Joakim Sandberg in Almedalen

EU Taxonomy_2

Webinar II: EU Taxonomy – the Case of District Heating


Conference: “Climate change and the financial system: Challenges and opportunities for central banks” on May 2-3


Voices from the SFL Partner Day

Skärmavbild 2023-04-20 kl. 16.44.58

New SFL report recommends that a Swedish sustainable finance platform be established

Boudewijn de Bruin

Meet guest professor Boudewijn de Bruin

Cecilia Hermansson_2

The Swedish Climate Policy Council presents its annual report

Douglas Massey and Lin Lerpold_2

Book preview: Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World


Forthcoming research paper: “Essential Environmental Impact Variables for improved corporate sustainability reporting”

Arvid Erlandsson

The psychology behind green financial decisions


Book launch: International migration and integration in a post pandemic world


SFL Partner Day 18 April 2023

EU Taxonomy_2

Webinar: EU Taxonomy – the Case of District Heating

Ulf Söderström

Samtal om Ekonomipriset 2022


SFL’s Mark Sanctuary comments on how to close the waste gap

KTH Logo

Thesis Defense: Public Land Development for Sustainability-Profiled Districts


Call for papers – SFL and Sveriges Riksbank will host a conference on climate change and the financial system in May 2023

COP 27i

Sustainable Finance Lab joins COP 27

Woman and man in business context

Forbes article: “Investors Could Be Missing Out On Women-Led Startups. Here’s How They Can Fix That”


Serious lack of diversity of background exposed when examining board compositions revealed by two major Swedish newspapers

BIld av Christoph Meinersmann från Pixabay

SFL starts four-year research project to examine the Swedish consumer credit market in collaboration with Klarna

Skärmavbild 2022-10-01 kl. 10.48.02

New report – Carbon dioxide leakage or competitive advantage? The necessary balancing act between industrial and climate policy

Skärmavbild 2022-09-26 kl. 14.09.41

Research: Urban Advantage? Sustainable Consumption and Ontological Cityism Across the Urban Hierarchy

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Watch Professor Joakim Sandberg take part in Insurance Sweden’s seminar on sustainable investing practices


SFL’s Lin Lerpold and Malin Malmström together with almost 2000 researchers criticize campaigning Swedish politicians’ lack of climate focus


Project kick-off: IVL, HFT and Eurac research will in collaboration with SFL examine the impact of the EU Taxonomy on District Heating Systems

Skärmavbild 2022-09-26 kl. 22.13.26

Dr Mark Sanctuary participates in a SNS seminar September 27 on the matter of the balancing act between industry and climate policy


Sustainable Finance Lab at Almedalen 2022

Skärmavbild 2022-06-15 kl. 15.11.09

Sustainable Finance Lab’s presence at Stockholm + 50


SFL report launch: Swedish Climate Policy Council’s seminar on the role of the financial sector in contributing towards the climate transition

Sustainable Finance Lab logo on blue

Work With Us – PhD candidate & Post Doc Positions


SFL’s Associate Professor Lin Lerpold and Professor Ranjula Bali Swain take part in the World Academic Forum: Stockholm Summit 2022

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Sustainable Finance Lab’s Director Malin Malmström speaks on gender bias in financing entrepreneurship and innovation at the Swedish Riksdag


Sustainable Finance Lab’s Beatrice Crona participated in SIS’ 100 year jubilee celebration


Report launch: Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet

Per Sandell, responsible for the Nordic Swan Ecolabelling for Funds. Photo: Private

He writes the criteria for Nordic Swan’s Ecolabelling for Funds


Research: Examining the ethics of alternative currencies

Photo: Pixabay

Research: Examining how gender distribution in the board composition of Swedish companies affects business performance over time

Photo: Pixabay

Research: Reviewing the literature on urban sustainability and highlighting the complexities and trade-offs between and within the three Es – ecology, economy and equality


Seminar on the growing role of the financial sector in achieveing climate change mitigation and adaptation


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has announced the 4th edition of its Summer School on Sustainable Finance

Photo: Pixabay

Research: Investigating the innovation capabilities, absorptive capacity and innovation ecosystems of the real estate sector

Photo: Pixabay

Research: Analyzing the motivations behind sustainable investment to transition the financial market effectively towards sustainability

Photo: Pixabay

Research: Method development conducted on the security of supply and circularity of transport biofuels

Photo: Pixabay

New funding to Sustainable Finance Lab partners will boost efforts towards a greener economy


New Report – Policies for Sustainable Finance to Fund the Climate Transition


Stockholm+50: Linking the E, S & G in Sustainable Finance

Lin Lerpold

On Corporate Political Activism and Companies Leaving Russia

KTH Logo

Thesis Defence: Digitalization, sustainability, and ecosystems

Genre photo of land being used by humans.

Research: The Anthropocene Reality of Financial Risk

A portrait of Fredrik Nilzén.

“We cannot keep using our old toolbox, we need to develop a new one for the future”

Risk assessments. Emmy Wassenius

Five reasons current risk assessments don’t work

SFL Directors

Season’s Greetings From the Sustainable Finance Lab

Beatrice Krona

Sustainable Finance Lab’s Beatrice Crona Presented at Swesif Seminars on Biodiversity and Finance

From left: Kent Eriksson, Cecilia Granath, Lars Redtzer och Fredrik Lekarp. Screen shot from event.

Digitization a Key When the Construction Industry Changes

KTH Logo

Doctorial Thesis Presentation: Accessibility to Bank Branches and Entrepreneurial Dynamics

Malin Malmström

Malin Malmström Participates in Gender Equality Education for Municipalities and Regions

A genre photo of construction cranes in the sky.

The Construction Industry is Changing – KTH Transformation Day 2021 on construction business

Lin Lerpold

Lin Lerpold Keynote Speaker at Sustainability Reporting Awards 2021

Photo: Canva

Webinar on Saving Behavior with the Company Dreams

Malin Malmström

Workshop on Gender Equality in Innovation November 17th

Working people in an office drawn

Open Position – Assistant Professor (tenure track) Focused on CSR/sustainability

Group picture of SFL research group

Sustainable Finance Lab’s Research Strategy day

Photo: Canva

Expert Competence in Sustainability a Must for Organizations

A genre photo of an apartment building.

New Report: The Real Estate Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals

A picture of a blue background with Sustainable Finance Lab written on it in white.

Watch The Real Estate Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Webinar

Undraw. A sketch of a woman posting online.

Debate – It is Time for a Swedish Financial Market With Social Goals

Mark Sanctuary

Conference – How Can Climate and Sustainability Challenges be Handled in a Commercially Successful Manner?

Sustainable Finance Lab logo on blue

Webinar September 27th: The Real Estate Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals

Shadow of people with a question mark above them.

Debunking Myths About Investments and Women-led Businesses and How to Fight Gender Bias

A picture of Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall and a finance picture of people putting money in a wallet.

A Report – A Swedish Social Finance Market Emerges

A picture of finansforums banner for the event september to october 2021.

Tougher Requirements for Green Financing

Joakim Sandberg

How can asset managers aid in the transformation towards a sustainable financial market?

Sustainable Finance Lab logo on blue

Watch The Launch of Sustainable Finance Lab

Sustainable Finance Lab logo on blue

Work With Us – Postdoctoral Position


Launch of the Sustainable Finance Lab


Vinnova funds the Sustainable Finance Lab – collaboration to transform financial markets