Reports and others

Eriksson, K., Wikse, S., Ahrén, J.C. & Sandberg, J.


En svensk plattform för hållbar finansiering

Report by Sustainable Finance Lab, commissioned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Möllersten, K., Zetterberg, L. and Thyblad, T.


Bringing BECCS credits to voluntary carbon markets – A policy brief by Sustainable Finance Lab (Sweden)

Sustainable Finance Lab (Sweden). TRITA-ABE-RPT-2316.

Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg, eds.


International Migration and integration in a post-pandemic worlds: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges

Palgrave Macmillen

Eriksson, K., Sandberg, J., Sanctuary, M., Endörfer, R. & Wikse, S.


Policies for Sustainable Finance to Fund the Climate Transition

Report by Sustainable Finance Lab, commissioned by the Swedish Climate Policy Council

Sun, J., Paulsson, J, Harrie, L., Eriksson, K., Paasch, J.M., Tarandi, V.


BIM-based 3D cadastral management. Slutrapport för projektet BIM-baserad hantering av 3D-fastighetsinformation.

Smart built environment.

Hoeft, M., Kronsell, S., Manzoor, S., Johansson, F., Gustafson, A., Haslingen, T. V., & Eriksson, K.


Construction automation and robotics in infrastructure.

TRITA-ABE-RPT., (2121).

Bali Swain, R and Susanne Sweet


Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 2: Circular Economy and Beyond

Palgrave Macmillan

Nachemson-Ekwall, S


En svensk social finansmarknad växer fram

Original. Ramboll and Stockholm School of Economics. September. Summary and inhouse English translation: