Peer-reviewed publications

Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.

Harker-Schuch, I., Lade, S., Mills, F., & Colvin, R.


Opinions of 12 to 13-year-olds in Austria and Australia on the concern, cause and imminence of climate change


Rockström, J., Gupta, J., Lenton, T. M., Qin, D., Lade, S. J., Abrams, J. F., ... & Winkelmann, R.


Identifying a safe and just corridor for people and the planet

Earth's Future, 9(4)

Radosavljevic, S., Haider, L. J., Lade, S. J., & Schlüter, M.


Implications of poverty traps across levels

World Development (144)

Endörfer, R.


Should market harms be an exception to the Harm Principle?

Economics And Philosophy

H., Folke, C., Rocha, J., Crona, B. et al.


Scientific mobilization of keystone actors for biosphere stewardship

Scientific Reports (12)

Folke, C., Haider, L. J., Lade, S. J., Norström, A. V., & Rocha, J.


Commentary: resilience and social-ecological systems: a handful of frontiers

Global Environmental Change

Leite de Almeida, C. M., Silveira, S., Jeneulis, E., & Fuso-Nerini, F.


Using the sustainable development goals to evaluate possible transport policies for the city of Curitiba


Leite de Almeida, C. M., Bergqvist, E., Thacker, S., & Fuso Nerini, F.


Actions to align energy projects with the Sustainable Development Goals

Discover Sustainability

Gupta, S., Langhans, S. D., Domisch, S., Fuso-Nerini, F., Felländer, A., Battaglini, M., ... & Vinuesa, R.


Assessing whether artificial intelligence is an enabler or an inhibitor of sustainability at indicator level

Transportation Engineering (4)

Sandberg, J. & Sjöström, E


Motivations for investment in sustainable consumption and production

Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume 1