Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.
Lin Lerpold
In Tommy Borglund, Hans de Geer and Susanne Sweet (eds): CSR and Sustainable Business, 2nd edition. Sanoma Utbildning
Lin Lerpold & Örjan Sjöberg
In Ranjula Bali Swain & Susanne Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 2: Circular Economy and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Lin Lerpold
In Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (ed.): Svenska lösningar på globala utmaningar 2021. Global Utmaning, Stockholm: 67–69.
• David Collste, Patrik Henriksson, Sebastien Akbik, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Carl Folke, Lin Lerpold, Emilie Lindkvist, Pernilla Malmer, Gay Ordenes, Juan Rocha, Caroline Schill and Maria Schultz
In Victor Galaz and David Collste (eds): Economy and finance for a just future on a thriving planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm: 20–24.
Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg
Lerpold, Sjöberg & Wennberg eds. International Migration and integration in a post-pandemic worlds: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges, Palgrave Macmillen
Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg
Lerpold, Sjöberg & Wennberg (eds.) International Migration and integration in a post-pandemic worls: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges, Palgrave Macmillen
Kazlou, Aliaksei, Lin Lerpold and Örjan Sjöberg
(Forthcoming 2024 )
Industrial Relations Journal
Nachemson-Ekwall, S
In pp 233–262 In: Lerpold, L., Sjöberg, Ö., Wennberg, K. (eds) Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Lin, X. and Bali Swain, R.
International Review of Economics and Finance (special issue)
Bali Swain,, R. Wallentin, F.Y., and X. Lin.
Heliyon, Vol. 10 (3), E25090