Peer-reviewed publications

Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.

Lin Lerpold


Migration and integration

In Tommy Borglund, Hans de Geer and Susanne Sweet (eds): CSR and Sustainable Business, 2nd edition. Sanoma Utbildning

Lin Lerpold & Örjan Sjöberg


Tourism as (Un)sustainable production and consumption

In Ranjula Bali Swain & Susanne Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 2: Circular Economy and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Lin Lerpold


Migration och integration – en viktig hållbarhetsmöjlighet för Sverige

In Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson (ed.): Svenska lösningar på globala utmaningar 2021. Global Utmaning, Stockholm: 67–69.

• David Collste, Patrik Henriksson, Sebastien Akbik, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Carl Folke, Lin Lerpold, Emilie Lindkvist, Pernilla Malmer, Gay Ordenes, Juan Rocha, Caroline Schill and Maria Schultz


The co-evolving nature of inequality

In Victor Galaz and David Collste (eds): Economy and finance for a just future on a thriving planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm: 20–24.

Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg



Lerpold, Sjöberg & Wennberg eds. International Migration and integration in a post-pandemic worlds: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges, Palgrave Macmillen

Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg



Lerpold, Sjöberg & Wennberg (eds.) International Migration and integration in a post-pandemic worls: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges, Palgrave Macmillen

Kazlou, Aliaksei, Lin Lerpold and Örjan Sjöberg

(Forthcoming 2024 )

Trade unions, refugees and immigrant labour: has the attitude changed? The stance of Swedish blue-collar trade unions as evidenced by sentiment analysis

Industrial Relations Journal

Nachemson-Ekwall, S


Unemployed marginalized women. Work Integrating Social Enterprises as a Possible Solution.

In pp 233–262 In: Lerpold, L., Sjöberg, Ö., Wennberg, K. (eds) Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Lin, X. and Bali Swain, R.


Sustainable Investments and Investor-Surplus During Crisis

International Review of Economics and Finance (special issue)

Bali Swain,, R. Wallentin, F.Y., and X. Lin.


COVID-19 Pandemic Waves: Identification And Interpretation of Global Data

Heliyon, Vol. 10 (3), E25090