Peer-reviewed publications

Articles and papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and peer-reviewed books and book chapters.

Slager, R., Gond, J.-P., & Sjöström, E.


Mirroring and switching authoritative personae: A ventriloquial analysis of shareholder engagement on carbon emissions

Human Relations, 0(0).

Spohr, J,. Wikström, K. and Eriksson, K.


Towards Collaborative Infrastructure Procurement

Public Money & Management, 42(4)

Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius, Lina Dencik, Tomas Diez, Hugues Ferreboeuf, Stephanie Hankey, Angelika Hilbeck, Lorenz Hilty, Mattias Höjer, Dorothea Kleine, Johanna Pohl, Lucia A. Reisch, Marianne Ryghaug, Tim Schwanen, Philipp Staab


Digital Reset: Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, N° 45(3), 323-327.

Stromberg, P.M and Bali Swain, R.


Citizen monitoring in environmental disclosure: an economics perspective

Journal of Environmental Management, 356 (2024) 120567

Tigchelaar, M., Crona, B. et al.


The vital roles of Blue Foods in the global food system

Global Food Security 33

Tong Wu, Juan C. Rocha, Kevin Berry, Tomas Chaigneau, Maike Hamann, Emilie Lindkvist, Jiangxiao Qiu, Caroline Schill, Alon Shepon, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Carl Folke


Triple Bottom Line or Trilemma? Global Tradeoffs Between Prosperity, Inequality, and the Environment

World Development

Vigren, O., Kadefors, A. and Eriksson, K.


Digitalization, innovation capabilities and absorptive capacity in the Swedish real estate ecosystem

Emerald Insight

Warneryd, M. and Karltorp, K.


Microgrid communities: disclosing the path to future system-active communities

Sustainable Futures (4)

Wassénius, E. and Crona, B


Adapting risk assessments for a complex future

One Earth, Volume 5

Wassénius, E., Crona, B., & Quahe, S.


Essential Environmental Impact Variables for Improved Corporate Sustainability Reporting

SSRN Electronic Journal