About the lab


Sustainable Finance Lab SWEDEN is a transdisciplinary research center established to transform financial markets and to enhance the sustainable development of society. Our aim is to deliver scientific insights that strengthen practice. 


Across disciplines

SFL is a transdisciplinary capacity building center founded by Vinnova. This means we aim to not just bring together diverse disciplines, but also cross-fertilize these to develop truly integrated research, while developing research designs that can deliver findings of relevance to stakeholder partners.

We recognize that achieving state-of-the-art transdisciplinary science requires dedicated efforts at integrating perspectives already at the stage of developing research questions. We therefore actively promote cross-disciplinary dialogue among researchers, young and established alike. Moreover, to bridge theory and practice, we also involve practitioners in the early research design phase.

By bringing together at least six, currently separate research units represented by the consortium members, we begin our journey with a small but critical mass, but endeavor to bring a wide array of academic and industry partners onboard to co-create the science and practice needed to transform financial markets towards that which is sustainable and just.

SFL incorporates several different modes of doing research. Some of our work is driven by academic inquiry but used as a basis for dialogue with partners to deliver insights and stimulate change. Other projects are co-developed by academics and industry or civil society, and findings are more directly implementable. We maintain the value in both forms of research and strive to conduct salient but always scientifically rigorous research to deliver on our mission.

To ensure a concrete and practical implementation of SFLs research we are also launching a Business Development Unit (SFL-BDU), consisting of a group of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and business leaders who will give practical advice and support innovative businesses than can transform society towards sustainability. The SFL-BDU will help investors find entrepreneurs who want capital and knowledge about how to grow a sustainable business. The SFL-BDU will also seek to build a platform that coordinates sustainability innovations that are part of more general incubators, business labs, and innovation hubs in Sweden and internationally.

If you are interested in becoming a partner, or in other ways collaborating with SFL please contact us at: info@sustainablefinancelab.se

Mountain road

Our Scientific Advisory Council

We are honored to have an advisory council composed of leaders in their respective fields; ranging from deep experience within the financial sector, to cutting edge sustainable investment in theory and practice, and leading sustainability science and climate research.  The role of the council is to provide advice on the scientific development of the center, as well as on the prioritization of key focal areas within sustainable finance around which center researchers engage with stakeholders.

Council members

Our board

Our board is composed of experienced and highly competent leaders in their respective fields, with wide expertise ranging from finance, sustainability to philosophy. They reflect our transdisciplinary approach and the experience we believe essential to not only generate ground-breaking research but also to make possible the application of this research in the real world.

Our board

Meet the team

The management team consists of two Center Directors, and four Vice Directors. The six lead investigators represent seven academic institutions and together we oversee and develop the research within the Sustainable Finance Lab. However, our work relies on the work of a much larger group of researchers from within our seven organizations, as well as from other institutions.

Kent Eriksson
Kent Eriksson
Malin Malmström
Malin Malmström
Lin Lerpold
Lin Lerpold
Mark Sanctuary
Beatrice Crona
Beatrice Crona
Joakim Sandberg
Joakim Sandberg

Our partners

Our partners from industry and civil society include banks and institutional investors; alternative providers of capital (explicitly socially responsible investors); financial innovators and accelerators; influential business associations and market platforms; as well as regulators or providers of ratings/standards, and civil society actors with reach and influence.

We also work with relevant non-financial actors in the real economy, including companies in four sectors we have identified as having a particularly important role for the economy, while also experiencing an urgent need to transition to sustainable practices.

We also work with Danske Bank, Dreams, Folksam, Fondbolagens förening, Föreningen Inkludera, House of Reach, Lannebo fonder, Lunar, Miljömärkning Sverige, Nasdaq, Nordic Credit Rating, People Equity, Planethon, Sjunde Ap-Fonden, Sparbankernas Riksförbund, Lucy Global Fund, Swedbank, Swedfund, Sveriges Riksbank, Swedish Church, Winnet Europe, World Wide Fund for Nature, WSBI-ESBG and Öhman.
