Join us during the day, share your thoughts, network with other participants, and contribute to SFL’s future agenda.
Time: 09:00 – 13:30
Venue: Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, or via either Zoom or Teams
09.00-09.10 Introduction by Malin Malmström and Kent Eriksson
09.10-09.50 Caroline Flammer at Columbia University presents. Q&A moderated by Beatrice Crona
09.50-10.50 Sustainable Finance Lab presents research. Moderated by Malin Malmström
Mark Sanctuary – Are Sustainable Funds Delivering on their Promise
Lin Lerpold and Kent Eriksson– Social Sustainable Finance and Preliminary Results of Study on Financial Market Actor and Diversity
Joakim Sandberg – Science-Based Metrics for Sustainable Finance
10.50-11.40 Group Discussions on forward-looking challenges and opportunities. Moderated by Beatrice Crona
11.40-11.50 Menti exercise moderated by Beatrice Crona
11.50-12.30 Bob Eccles at Saïd Business School, Oxford University presents. Q&A moderated by Beatrice Crona
12.30 Closing address – Sustainable Finance Lab
12.30-13.30 Lunch and networking
This event is open to our partners and potential partners, and registration is required.
Register to SFL:s Partner Day via
The registration for on site participation has closed. If you wish to participate digitally via Zoom or Teams, please send an email with your name, email and organization to
Since the seats are limited, we reserve the right to reroute participants to Zoom, should there be a situation where many participants join the SFL Partner Day from the same organization.
Sustainable Finance Lab’s management team.