On Tuesday, the Sustainable Finance Lab published and shared its latest report (En svensk plattform för hållbar finansiering*). A report that examines the need for a sustainable finance platform in Sweden, and does so partly by examining similar initiatives, including networks, organizations, and reports, that are currently in place in the Nordic region, Europe, and internationally. The report highlights the need for closer collaboration between the public and private sectors to effectively address sustainable financing, and recommends that a platform be established to achieve such a goal.
The report identifies several potential benefits of a Swedish platform for sustainable financing, including improved access to finance for sustainable projects and increased transparency in the investment process. Looking closer at various plattforms worldwide the report also notes that the success of such a platform will depend on various factors, such as stakeholder engagement, regulatory frameworks, and the availability of relevant data.
Further conclusions and comments touch on how a Swedish platform for sustainable financing can be designed, as well as the effects it could achieve by improving the possibilities for the finance sector to contribute towards a green transition. The report furthermore provides recommendations on the establishment of a Swedish platform for sustainable financing, including the need for a clear governance structure, stakeholder engagement, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
Overall, the report suggests that a Swedish platform for sustainable financing could play a vital role in promoting sustainable investment and supporting Sweden’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
*The report is, for now, only available in Swedish.
Access the report: En svensk plattform for hallbar finansiering av klimatomstallningen_TA